Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Snowflake Family Profile & Matching Process

Don't you just love this print from Barking Bird Art on Etsy?

One of the questions people often ask us is, “how are you matched with families?” I heard someone mention once that it’s a little bit like online dating :)

When a genetic family has a set of embryos that they would like to place for adoption, they contact Snowflakes and set up a list of requirements for the adoptive family.  Sometimes genetic families might prefer that the adoptive family be a specific ethnicity or age. They may also request a family of a specific religion or education level.

On the adoptive family side of things, we create a “Family Profile.” It’s a PDF document that we wrote which includes pictures and fun information about us. It includes the basic pertinent information that genetic families are looking for (age, ethnicity, religion, education, occupation, etc.)

Genetic families are sent the profiles for adoptive families that meet their requirements.  If a family sees our profile and decides they like us, then we get to see their information.  We get to know health history (3 generations on both sides), the amount of embryos available for adoption, the quality of the embryos, if there have been successful pregnancies from that set of embryos, and the age of the mother when the eggs were extracted.

As the adoptive family, we get to choose if we accept the match.  If we don’t accept, then they’ll continue showing our profile to other families until there’s a mutual agreement.  This process can take between 1 and 4 months – mostly depending on how picky we as the adoptive family are.

Megan said that our home study should be complete by this time next month, so we're hoping to start the matching process in early December!

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