I know it's been awhile since we've updated, but we haven't had any news.... until now!
We are very excited (like
very excited) to announce that we are officially adopting 8 embryos!
I'll back up a little bit to update you on our timeline...
On December 16 we received an email from Nightlight with the subject "Potential Match-Hoover". Earlier that week, they'd sent our profile to a family in Florida to consider us. The family had liked us and wanted to place their embryos for adoption with us! I was at my desk at work and literally RAN downstairs to Donny's office. We opened and read the email together and downloaded the PDF file of the family's profile.
We learned that in 2001, the genetic parents were struggling to conceive and started IVF. They ended up with 15 viable embryos, used 7 of them and had twins in 2002. They knew they were done building their family, but kept the 8 remaining embryos frozen.
It was a very emotional and surreal experience to read about this family and look at pictures of the parents and their children. As I've mentioned before, I've never had any idea what my children might look like, so seeing these people was incredibly emotional. I was standing at Donny's desk just sobbing as we pored through the photos.
The parents are both a combination of Italian and Irish and have olive skin and dark hair. Interestingly enough though, their twins are fair skinned, blue eyed, red heads! I think it would be so fun to have a red head! But we're just excited regardless!
It was really important to us that our doctor approve of the quality of any embryos we were considering, so we sent them the information that day. We continued to re-read, and re-read and re-read the family's profile and health history. We both had a really good feeling about them right away and we spent those next few days praying hard that we would have wisdom in this decision. We wanted to be excited, but we were still trying to guard our hearts in case our doctor wasn't comfortable with the embryos.
Meanwhile we waited, and waited to hear back from our doctor. As the days passed we felt more and more comfortable with the family and decided that if the doctor said yes, we were in.
Christmas came and went, with still no word from our doctor. That was a little hard for me. I had this grand ideal that having a match by Christmas would be so magical. But God was (and still is) teaching me patience and to wait on His perfect timing.
Then New Year's came and went, and it was now 2015 and we still didn't have confirmed word from our doctor...
But finally, on January 7 we received the much anticipated email that my doctor and their embryologist approved the embryos and cleared us to move forward!
*cue many more tears*
Then things sped up considerably...
On Monday, January 12 we officially accepted the match with Nightlight. They drew up the contract and we signed and notarized our portion and mailed everything last Friday the 16th.
Nightlight is now getting all the paperwork and documents finalized to have the embryos shipped from Florida to Pasadena.
Everything would probably be ready to go for an end of February transfer - but that would put me in the "two week wait" while we're in Seattle for my brother's wedding the first weekend in March. I asked our nurse what she thought about that and she basically said, "there's no evidence that flying causes miscarriages or lowers the rate of pregnancy, however, how will you feel if you flew and then didn't get pregnant?"
Donny and I are totally on the same page that gaining a couple weeks is not worth the potential risk, so we're planning on a mid-March transfer date, assuming my body responds to the meds and does what they expect it to.
We've seen God's guiding hand through every step of this process and we're so excited to see God's plan as we continue to move forward. Even though I sometimes get impatient, it's pretty incredible that Donny and I only started this whole process in September - a mere 4 1/2 months ago! God has provided the finances, the support, the awesome staff at Nightlight, an awesome social worker, a great doctor's office and so many other little blessings that we so at peace with our whole situation.
We still have a ton of uncertainty about the future, but knowing that the perfect God of the universe has a good plan for it all is just so incredibly overwhelming (in the best way possible!)
We covet your continued prayers!
Pray with us...
1. That the embryos would ship safely to California
2. That my body would respond well to the meds (starting at the end of February)
3. That the embryos we thaw would survive the thawing
4. That however many (1, 2 or 3) embryos we transfer will implant and become healthy pregnancies!
5. Pretty much all the money is now due for the adoption and the transfer and although we've saved and planned...it's still pretty scary writing such big checks! Pray we'd be wise with our finances, smart about spending while things are extra tight and that no unexpected additional expenses would come up.
More updates as they come!